photo of a family playing soccer in front of their home with solar panels installed on roof



Stepping into the world of renewable energy is like unlocking a superpower for your home. It’s a game-changer, a planet-saver, and, believe it or not, a wallet-friendly move. If you’ve been contemplating the leap into the renewable energy realm, here’s the nudge you’ve been waiting for. Let’s dive into the myriad of ways adding renewable energy can not only benefit your home but also make you a champion of the environment and a savvy homeowner.

Embrace the Power of Savings

First on the list is the hero of our story: savings. Transitioning to renewable energy, like solar panels, is like finding a treasure chest in your own backyard. Imagine cutting down your utility bills significantly. Over time, these savings add up, and what you save on electricity can go towards a family vacation, home improvements, or into your savings account. It’s not just about saving the planet; it’s about saving your pennies too.

Boost Your Home’s Value

Adding renewable energy solutions to your home is like giving it a superpower, one that potential buyers will pay a premium for. Studies have shown that homes with solar installations sell faster and at higher prices than those without. It’s a straightforward equation: renewable energy installations equal increased home value. Whether you’re planning to stay in your home for decades or sell in the near future, renewable energy makes your property a hot commodity.

Lock In Energy Costs

Think of renewable energy as your personal shield against the volatility of traditional energy costs. While the rates for electricity sourced from fossil fuels can fluctuate wildly based on market conditions, your solar panels keep on generating power at the same rate, rain or shine. This stability means you can enjoy predictable energy bills, making budgeting a breeze and giving you peace of mind.

Minimal Environmental Footprint

By choosing renewable energy, you’re not just powering your home; you’re also protecting the planet. Solar panels generate clean, green energy, drastically reducing your carbon footprint. It’s a way to say, “I care,” without having to compromise on comfort or convenience. Plus, being part of the solution to global warming is something to feel good about every time you flip on a light switch.

Reliability and Independence

Renewable energy systems are the silent heroes, working tirelessly to ensure you have power even when the grid doesn’t. Solar panels paired with battery storage can provide energy during outages, making your home a beacon of light in a dark neighborhood. This level of independence from the grid is not just empowering; it’s also incredibly practical.

Ready to Harness the Power of Renewable Energy?

Your journey to a more sustainable, cost-effective home starts with Evergreen Solar Solutions. We’re here to guide you through every step of the process, from initial consultation to installation, ensuring that your transition to renewable energy is smooth and rewarding. With Evergreen Solar Solutions, you’re not just installing solar panels; you’re investing in a brighter future for your family and the planet. Contact us today to explore how we can transform your home into a powerhouse of sustainability and savings. Together, let’s light up the path to a greener tomorrow. Learn more at Evergreen Solar Solutions.

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More thorough

Hi ,
Besides saving money on your utility bill, what else motivates you to go solar?
(please choose one)


Be more Green


Use more Power
Guilt Free
(i.e. AC/Devices)


Fear of Outages
(i.e. Grid Down)


Cash in on 'Going
Solar' Incentives

What best describes you?


I’m retired or dreaming of retirement


I just bought my first home


I’m ready to start my career/family


My kids are in college

Fill in the blank. "When picking a solar partner, getting the best            is most important to me."
(please choose one)









I'm interested in (select one)...


Solar only




+ EV

What best describes you?


I have an EV


I want an EV

Thank You !
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Now, it's time to calculate the perfect system size for your house and find out how much you can save when you go solar.

Solar Wizard

is calculating your system size

Here are your results!


Environmental Impact ( years)


metric tons


car miles driven


Number of Trees Planted

# of Panels:

System size:


How do you plan on aquiring your system?

# of Panels:

System size:


Environmental Impact
( years)


metric tons


car miles driven


Number of Trees Planted

# of Panels:

System size:


Thank You !

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To get started upload a copy of your utility bill to see if solar is right for your home.

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I'm interested in (select one)...


Solar only




+ EV

What best describes you?


I have an EV


I want an EV

Thank You !
We're building your solar persona.

Now, it's time to calculate the perfect system size for your house and find out how much you can save when you go solar.

Solar Wizard

is calculating your system size

Here are your results!


Environmental Impact ( years)


metric tons


car miles driven


Number of Trees Planted

# of Panels:

System size:


How do you plan on aquiring your system?

# of Panels:

System size:


Environmental Impact
( years)


metric tons


car miles driven


Number of Trees Planted

# of Panels:

System size:


Thank You !

Schedule a no-obligation solar consultation and receive a two-night stay at one of over 30 enchanting destinations valued at $375.
To get started upload a copy of your utility bill to see if solar is right for your home.

All personal information is confidential.

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File size must be less than 3MB.

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