My Roof Will Soon Need to be Redone. Should I Wait to Install a Solar Heating System?

Our FAFCO Systems are installed in such a way that we can easily remove them and later reinstall them at a fraction of the original cost of the system. If the roof is repaired within the first year of the system’s installation, we do the work at no cost. Please contact us about our re-roofing service for more information.

By |January 22, 2021|Categories: |0 Comments

My Homeowners Association Seems to Preclude Installing Solar Panels? What Can I Do?

In 1992, the Florida State Legislature passed a law expressly forbidding Homeowners Associations and any other organization from prohibiting solar heating systems or collectors, in order to promote the benefits of using free, renewable energy. We are almost always able to design systems that are unobtrusive and satisfy the neighborhood organizations.

By |January 22, 2021|Categories: |0 Comments



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