Does a PV System Need Batteries?
Batteries are only required if you want backup power when the utility is out of service. Without batteries, the system has no way to store power, and for safety reasons cannot produce power without the utility in operation.
What Happens When The Utility Company Has a Power Outage?
Most systems we sell are “clean power” systems, without batteries. These systems do not generate power when the utility is out, even if it is sunny. If backup power is desired, a battery system can be added. This increases the complexity and cost. Most people find that what they want is Clean Power, and find that the very occasional outage does not bother them, so they do not purchase the battery option.
How Long Will a PV System Last?
The solar panels have a 25 year power warranty from the manufacturer. This is longer than almost anything else you can buy. The rest of the system has a 5 year warranty in most areas. Inverters can have warranties up to 10 years. We also offer a maintenance agreement or hurricane prep service to extend life and get the most out of your system.
How Much Power Does a Solar Electric System Produce?
Systems come in all sizes, and produce as much or as little power as required. Many systems produce a portion of the home’s required power, leaving room for additional conservation or generation in the future.
How Much Solar Electric Power Do I Need To Power My Home?
Each home is different, and the amount of electricity you use is very dependent upon your lifestyle, how your home was built, and your appliances. As part of our services, we work with you to reduce your electrical consumption in easy ways.
Are Solar Panels Fragile?
No. While the panels are made of tempered glass, they are quite strong. Installed PV panels are designed to withstand hurricane force winds, and pass severe weather tests such as hail. Solar equipment is regularly installed in areas with these types of conditions.
My Roof Will Soon Need To Be Redone. Should I Wait To Install a Solar Electric PV System?
Our Mirasol FAFCO Systems are installed in such a way that we can easily remove them and later reinstall them at a fraction of the original cost of the system. If the roof is repaired within the first year of the system’s installation, we do the work at no cost to you.
Do The Solar Panels Need To Face South?
South is best, but panels installed facing east or west still can generate a very high percentage of possible power. It is usually more effective (and more attractive) to install the panels in the same plane as the roof direction, rather than build an awkward mount to angle them.
Do The Solar Panels Need To Be Mounted On My Roof?
Panels are often mounted on the roof, but can also be mounted on the ground. Ground mounts are great if the house is shaded, or if dormers or other obstructions limit available space on the roof.
How Much Space Does a PV System Need?
A typical system requires about seven to eight square feet for each dollar of your electric bill. This figure varies depending upon your electric rates.