SunPower Equinox Home Solar System to power all your appliances.



Today, we announced our new all-in-one Equinox™ Storage home solar system with a storage battery, with limited availability starting in California and a wider nationwide release in 2020. Here are four reasons why you should consider it if you’re thinking about going solar.

Reason 1: You Crave Energy Independence

Your electricity bill is a lifetime monthly financial obligation that you probably think you can’t control. And you’re right. As long as your home is powered by the utility grid, you’re beholden to your utility’s unpredictable rate hikes. Electricity prices will likely continue to increase annually, and as a homeowner, you’ll likely grow more frustrated as they do. That’s because unless you go solar or find another renewable energy source, there’s not much you can do beyond trying to make your home more energy efficient and keeping your thermostat at 80 during hot summers or 65 during cold winters.

But what if you were generating your own power with clean solar energy? And what if you had a way to store that energy and use it when you chose? That’s the beauty of the new SunPower® Equinox™ Storage. With solar and storage, any excess solar energy that is produced during the day can be stored in your battery. You can use the solar that’s saved in your storage battery to reduce the amount of energy that you use from the grid during expensive peak hours when utility rates are the highest.

Reason 2: You Want to Keep the Lights on During Power Outages

Do you live in California, where the utility provider has announced that residents are now subject to mandatory power shut-offs due to fire danger? Or perhaps you’re in New York, where Manhattan’s lengthy July 2019 blackout was linked to equipment failures, high demand, and the utility’s aging infrastructure. Whatever the case, unexpectedly losing power can be difficult.

But if you have a SunPower® Equinox™ Solar System with battery storage, during a blackout, you can seamlessly switch to using the solar power stored in your battery to power essential home appliances.1 That means select appliances that you choose before installation, such as your refrigerator, telephone, or home security system, can still be powered. Depending on the size of the battery storage system you choose, your settings, and several other factors, you may be able to store enough electricity to power your entire house for a limited period of time.2

So, while your neighbors are fumbling to find a flashlight in the dark, you can have peace of mind knowing you’ve got enough electricity stored to get you through the night.2

SunPower Equinox Solar Energy Battery Storage System

Reason 3: You Want Control Over Your Energy

Whether you crave independence from the grid to maximize your energy savings or you’re worried about power outages (or you want a little of each), the SunPower® Equinox™ Storage solution puts you, the homeowner, in control of your electricity usage in an unprecedented fashion. By simply adding this device—a sleekly designed minimalist white box mounted on a wall in your garage—you can gain greater peace of mind and save more money on your electric bill than you would with a solar system alone.

Reason 4: You Want Your Solar System and Battery Designed by One Company

Many solar companies piece together the components of their solar solutions from multiple companies, which means those parts may not work seamlessly together, and they’re often not covered by one warranty. If there are problems, unless you’re an electrical expert, you might not know which company to contact for help.

Because the Equinox™ storage battery was designed as part of a complete solar solution from one company, SunPower®, we will stand behind our product and be your single point of contact. You are buying an entire SunPower® system, not parts from multiple companies. The SunPower® Equinox™ solar plus storage ecosystem works in perfect harmony, and we’re the only company to offer this. And most importantly, it’s covered by a single warranty: the SunPower® Complete Confidence Warranty.


1 “Essential Appliances” are determined by the homeowner before installation and typically include lights, select appliances, and outlets for devices. The battery storage system should not be relied upon as a power source for critical medical devices. The life of the battery storage system will vary depending on a number of factors, including, but not limited to, the amount of energy stored in the battery, the amount of wattage used by the appliances and electronics connected to the battery storage system, the age of the battery, the battery’s ability to recharge during daylight hours due to weather, the frequency and duration of battery usage, and other factors. Battery life will decrease with time and use.

2Your battery storage system’s ability to provide electricity to your home will vary based on a number of factors, including, but not limited to, the amount of energy stored in the battery, the amount of wattage used by appliances and electronics connected to the battery storage system, the age of the battery, the battery’s ability to recharge during daylight hours due to weather, the frequency and duration of battery usage, and other factors. The battery storage system should not be relied upon as a power source for critical medical devices. Battery life will decrease with time and use.

This post originally appeared on the SunPower Resources Blog.

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